Wellness Vs. Weight Loss... The Real Deal

Healthy Habits Create a Healthy Body... a Healthy Life!


My beloved beets; nourishing food for the blood, liver... all of your body cells!

We live in a culture that constantly markets physical weight loss.  This makes sense as keeping an your weight at your best level supports healthier and more natural physiological functions. You are as healthy as the cells you reproduce every day. Think of my writings and workshops on whole foods and cellular health.

Yes, there is much more to the equation than being a healthy weight for your body type, as we know... "skinny bitches" (men as well) have heart attacks, other health challenges, and also die young.

So we are told to eat less, exercise more, ditch the desserts, bag beverages with calories, eat superfoods that are transported from all over the earth... but what is being left out of this physical equation?

Weight loss is a body, mind, and soul experience.  When we humans realize we are far more than a physical being, healing (i.e. weight loss as just one example of a healing challenge) becomes accessible and easier.  We are divine beings living in our physical bodies. When we embrace our heart-mind (emotions) and heart-soul (spiritual aspect), physical healing opens up and a whole new dimension is available to us.

How to?

To step into this space, I recommend to the divine souls I work with in healing relationships, to simply start making their lifestyle choices based upon wellness. When you are contemplating what you are thinking about eating next or what you are about to put into your mouth right now, ask yourself this question:  "Is this what is best for my wellness; best for every cell in my body?"

Use this question with all wellness choices:

  • exercise,

  • nurturing earlier sleep times,

  • one more beer or not?,

  • choosing a relaxation activity for self,

  • volunteering to help someone or help a local cause...

Truly, most people think and work from a space of: "Will this food make me gain weight; will this go right to my belly, hips, and ass?"

The belly, hips, and ass mindset only creates a deprivation and guilt cycle in our hearts, minds, and soul.  If I eat it (or do not get out and exercise), I feel guilty.  

I am so bad. I have no self-control, no will power, discipline.  These self incriminating thoughts are pure BS.

But then... If I do not eat it, I feel I am depriving myself of something.  That something then takes on more and more power in our lives because if we are depriving ourselves of it, it must be something wonderful.  Generally speaking, when we evaluate this thought process honestly and from a space of wellness AND self-awareness, we can acknowledge that the "something" being deprived of truly is not a wellness, life giving, cell enhancing choice.

Life giving, nurturing choices are easier to make when our wellness is the space we live in and create from.

Positive energy begets positive energy!

Bodies come in all sizes and shapes.Bone structure is different is all of us.Look at your body as the gift that it is, the home for your soul to live in.Treat it well. Honor it just as it is:slender,small frame,juicy and voluptuous,bones of substanc…

Bodies come in all sizes and shapes.

Bone structure is different is all of us.

Look at your body as the gift that it is, the home for your soul to live & thrive in.

Treat it well. Honor it just as it is:

slender, small frame, juicy and voluptuous, beautiful bones of substance, etc.

Make wellness choices that nourish the Divine IN You.

Merry Christmas with Love

Yes, I am a 'lil late... got caught up in the flurry of Holiday activities! Hope it was HAPPY!


Merry Christmas to all.  

You are the gift.  Give this gift freely and make the world a better place to be.

You ARE the Gift

As we pull ourselves together for Holiday celebrating 2013, remember that you ARE the gift.

We so often get caught up in the corporate world's version and vision of what a holiday should look like:

1. Credit cards bending to the $$ weight of gift purchases, because, well, that is what we are supposed to do, right?

2. Over stuffed gift giving all to the benefit of the corporate world's bottom line.

3.  Over stuffed eating and merry making leaving us feeling washed out after the celebrations are over.

Giving You As The Gift

Take time to do things for others that count; make someone else's life easier, happier, and healthier by giving You as the gift.  It is a gift of LOVE.

Happy Holidays

and may your 2014 be Happy, Healthy, and Whole 

in Mind, Body & Soul.


Eggnog Latte*


1 cup of milk

1 egg

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. dark maple syrup

1-2 tsp. decaffeinated instant coffee (Or use the caffeine and enjoy!)

pinch or two of nutmeg

pinch or two of cinnamon

optional: whipped cream

Place all ingredients, except whipped cream, in a blender and gently blend together.

Pour into a pan and heat slowly and gently. I heat on low for 2 minutes and test the temperature.  If not warmed enough, I keep heating and check every 1 minute.  Yes, I set the timer.  Over heated eggnog gets clumpy!

Pour into your favorite mug, add whipped cream (or not), enjoy!

eggnog latte

*I opt for all organic, naturally-raised ingredients to better nourish me, to nourish those I am making my "eggnog love", and to inadvertently nourish the earth through better food and farming choices.

Mount Hagen Organic Instant Coffee available through special order at  Nature's Storehouse, Canton, NY.

Gustatory Guru of Gastronomy

# 3 & 4 image for book

Gustatory Guru of Gastronomy

So recently, I received a very sweet email, thanking me for my support in cleaning up this divine person's diet and contributing to their vibrant health.  And... "Gustatory Guru of Gastronomy" was the "alliterative moniker" she used for me!

Seems a lighter label than Diet “Dr. Doom” from an earlier blog post inspired by an encounter with a "health" chump of mine!

I find this to be true of people who are ready, on the cusp of making healthy changes in their lives:

When you are a stick of dynamite, ready to blast off into health and healing, changes are easier to accomplish and feel good about!

I light the fire under you and inspire you to activate your beautiful mind. You then peel back the layers to uncover your perfect soul. Healthy changes happen because when you feel good, you want to feel better.  What a ripple effect!


And... when one is not quite ready to dive headlong into major changes (Maybe you are one for a more subtle metamorphosis!), I help plant a seed.  A seed that will bloom and grow in your life, when the "soil" and conditions are right for growth.



Ethiopian Smothered Brussel Sprouts and Carrots with Turmeric 

1-2 tbsp butter, ghee, or toasted sesame oil

1 medium red onion, finely chopped

Unrefined Sea Salt

3 cloves garlic, minced

¾-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and minced (or use dried ginger powder in a pinch!)

2 tsp ground turmeric

1/2 lb carrots, quartered lengthwise and cut into bite sized chunks

2 lbs Brussel sprouts, cut in half to make bite sized pieces

How to throw this together into a scrumptious pile of food:

Saute' the onion in butter, add ginger and saute' for 1-2 minutes more

Add carrot and Brussel sprout chunks

Let simmer in a cover pan for 10 minutes or so (I like the veggies to have a crispness to them)

Sprinkle turmeric over veggies, add crushed garlic cloves and stir well.

Turn off heat and let sit, covered, while you finish getting the table ready.

Serve:  over red lentils.

I bring 1 1/2 cups of water to boil, add 1 cup red lentils,  and gently return to simmer.  Shut off heat when it returns to simmer and keep covered.  I then take the dog for a good 1/2 walk and the lentils are ready when I come out of the woods!


Use cabbage and potatoes instead of carrots & brussel sprouts

Add garlic, ginger powder, and turmeric to 1 cup pasture raised milk in your blender.  I also add 1/2 to 1 cup shredded coconut.  Blend to a puree and pour over veggies, stir well and gently re-warm.

Use coconut milk with the above spices.

ethiopian carrots  Brussel sprouts

As you can see, I added a few raw cashews on top!

The veggies are all local, seasonal, and organic.

The spices, coconut, and cashews... well, not so local!  face