Interview with Susun Weed, Native American Healer

Image This is a very exciting interview for me as Susun Weed's book, The Child Bearing Years, was my first book on herbs, purchased in 1993.  Susun gave me that nudge I needed to continue my walk (It all started when I was a kid watching my Grandfather stirring his herbal magic) on my holistic healing path!

The live interview happened Tuesday, November 12th @ 9 PM and has been archived at BlogTalk Radio:

The show begins with 90 minutes of Susun doing Q & A on herbs and healing,

the last 30 minutes of the show is our interview time together.

An edited version has been, or will be, published and archived at four different sites:,, and on our blog


Healthy Kid's Birthday Parties

Healthy Kid's Birthday Parties

What?  Healthy birthday parties? Is that not an oxymoron?  (Remember, this is coming from the gal who eats birthday cake for brunch!     I will remind you it was a cell nourishing, whole food birthday cake.)

bday cake

Whole food chocolate cake made for Valentine's Day 2013

Yes, it is possible to throw a healthy kid's birthday party AND have the kids like the snacks and the celebratory cake AND have fun! Why would you want to do this?  See below.*

1.  Come and play, no gifts please.  The kids are allowed to play and be kids, no adult organized games required.  Go outside and play!  Our parents and grandparents had wisdom with that "get outside and play" command.

2.  Come back inside hungry?  That is a good thing!  Snacks that promote healthy cellular reproduction and growth in kids:

a.   fruit slices with yogurt spiced dip

b.   veggie sticks and yogurt herb dip

c.    whole grain pita or tortilla pizza (works well on a whole grain English muffin)

d.    tortilla chips (free of genetically altered corn, please) with 100% natural salsa and mozzarella cheese stix

3.   Bake a homemade, from "scratch" cake, cupcakes, or cookies out of 100% whole foods.  This eliminates refined, white flour and sugars, hydrogenated vegetable oils, corn syrups, and other non-food ingredients in bakery made cakes and pastries or the boxed cake mixes.

ters cake

Whole food carrot cake for my sister's 50th, August 2013

Ask me for my handout defining what whole grain flours really are.  It is not "unbleached"  or  "all purpose" flours.

4.    100% all natural ice cream that does not have fillers, stabilizers, or gums.

*Why throw a healthy, whole food birthday party?

1.  Our bodies cellular health depends on whole foods.  It was all we could put into our bodies in the days before factory made food products.  When we put refined food products into our bodies we are seriously disturbing cellular health.  Over a lifetime, this creates degenerative diseases.  Why set a kid up for this when healthy, whole food alternatives are just as easy to offer?

2.  Creating lifetime habits of good health, whole food eating, and positive lifestyle habits begins at conception (really, it begins even before that.  That is another article on cellular regeneration vs. cellular degeneration over the generations of a family's history on this planet.)

3.  Teaching your kids that in promoting health we are preventing disease.  (This is the next book I am working on!)  An ounce of prevention IS worth a pound of cure.

These are my top three reasons that  I do not have this attitude:  "oh, a little bit won't hurt them."

Food products were never meant to enter the human digestive tract having their profound impacts on cellular health. Yup, I am a tough, health gal!   happy face sun


Jake's b-day cake, July 2013

Wondering how I got to this point?

I have raised my kids on whole foods.  As they get older, it is harder to keep them away from refined packaged food products as these products are everywhere and everyone is eating them.  Kids think they are invincible (my cells won't suffer the consequences...) AND they want to eat what others kids are eating.

Birthday parties have always been a nightmare for me as I know that I am taking my kids into a lair of packaged food products that are all laden with refined and unnatural ingredients.  Yes, I think about their cellular health over the long term! If I don't, who will?

I took them to one birthday party, about 3 years ago (yes, this visual is forever emblazoned in my memory!), and I will describe the visual of food products laid out on the breakfast bar island:

1.  Several bags of flavored Doritos, the worst, as flavored (sour cream & onion, etc.) means more synthetic ingredients

2.  Two large bowls (4 quart size or bigger) FULL of gummy worms, bears, and various other gummy critters.  And these were not the organic, fruit juice varieties one can purchase at the Potsdam Food Coop or Nature's Storehouse in Canton.

3.  Several 1/2 gallon, plastic jugs of various soda flavors.

4.  Bowls of potato chips, enough to supply several super bowl parties.

5.  A pinata full of corn syrup sweetened, artificially flavored & colored type candies (sour skittles, etc.).

6.  A large, commercial, sheet cake made of white flour, white sugar, corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, fillers, conditioners, and the standard Crisco decorating frosting.

7.  Two 1-gallon tubs of inexpensive ice cream, cheaper option for feeding 12 to 15 kids but loaded with more artificial ingredients than I cared to know about.

So, I stood there thinking, "oh my God!"  I do not want my kids eating this crap.  I work hard to feed them whole, local, seasonal foods from very conscientious local farmers.  Truthfully speaking (or writing, as this is what I am doing) from a health perspective, none of these "products" were ever meant to be in the human body.  If nature did not create it, don't eat it, is a good motto to live by.

Back to the birthday party scene... this was a true nightmare visual for me.  At the same time, the social interaction with other kids is so important.  I leave them there at the party, hoping my kids remember the rules:  one very small piece of cake, no ice cream, no soda, please show restraint with the mounds of candies and junk chips, and please let your manners shine!

So, fast forward 3 or so years later... hoping to help create a generation of healthy kids' parties is one of the reasons I teach the whole food baking classes for the Local Living Venture.  This particular cooking class is called Learn How to Bake (& Convert Your Favorite Recipes!) to Whole Foods.  

Sign up for the LLVs newsletter and you will get notices of the classes offered.  Then join us for the next whole food baking class. Your cells will thank you.

HOH Whole food treat's conversion chart

1 cup refined flour = 3/4 cup whole grain flour

1 cup refined, white sugar = 1/2 cup honey or maple syrup

1 cup refined sugar = 1 cup sucanat or rapadura unrefined cane juice sugar

1 cup vegetable oil = 1 cup butter from grass fed, pasture raised animals

1 commercial, grocery store egg = 1 egg from free range, natural fed chickens 

Free range means the chickens range freely out side, not just living "cage free" in a factory farm chicken barn.

Hint: If a recipe calls for 1 ½ cup sugar, I would immediately decrease the original recipe to ¾ cup sugar.  Then I would use ¾ cups Rapadura or Sucanat sugar  OR  1/3 to slightly less than ½ cups of local maple syrup or honey.  Honey, I find works best in things I am not cooking, peanut butter balls, etc.  It makes cookies, muffins, baked goods heavy and sort of sticky.

I find most treat recipes are way too sweet, masking the flavors of all the other yummy ingredients, such as the nuttiness of whole grain flours.  Also, the more simple sugars we ingest, even honey & maple syrup, the more blood sugar / insulin issues we create in our bodies.

Add extra spices and vanilla to make up for the reduced sweetness.  Your tongue will enjoy the extra flavor and not miss the excess “sweetness”!

Reducing sugar, sweeteners, in the recipe also reduces the impact on your body and the negative health consequences of constantly having high blood sugar and elevated insulin levels. (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, feeding cancer cells, depressed immune system function, irritating your nervous system....)

Completely avoid hydrogenated oils & partially hydrogenated oils (shortenings and margarine).  These are trans fats and are highly toxic to the human body.  Their consumption is connected to many diseases.

Use eggs from naturally raised chickens, turkeys, ducks or geese.

Let your whole grain batter sit for 5-10 minutes as the flour absorbs moisture over time.  Check to see if the consistency seems right for the type of treat you are making and adjust accordingly.

Making treats from whole foods creates home baked goods that have nutritional value.  They are still treats to be enjoyed on special occasions, not daily, but you can feel good about the whole food value when you avoid the refined ingredients: white flour, white sugar, hydrogenated fats and all refined foods.

Remember, we were never meant to eat sweet treats on a daily basis.  200 years ago, were people eating cakes, pies, cookies, and donuts every day?  Not a chance. Read Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books if you have any doubts.  They got one piece of candy for Christmas and made it last for weeks.  If we treated “treats” with this respect, our body would thank us.

Take your time and work into this by doing a ½ and ½ mix, then ¾ whole grain & ¼ refined, then finally move to 100% whole grain flours.  This eases you into the heavier texture of whole grain baking.  (These whole food treats WILL be heavier, denser and this is a direct reflection of them being heavy and dense in nutrition!)  In time, you will not notice and your body will be better nourished for it!

If you are an all or nothing person, like me, just make the switch to whole grains, cold turkey, and never look back!

Eat well & be healthy!!  Paula

No Time for Getting Sick

Just a spoon full of honey helps some medicine go down...

or so Mary Poppins said so! And who wants to argue with that legend?


This spoon is full of the "syrup" I made last night when I felt my throat on fire, my salivary glads swollen, pain in my left ear, and my neck lymph glands all swollen up. No time for being sick, I had to stop whatever the bug was.  Stop that bug in it's tracks!

Into the blender: 

1/2 cup of raw, apple cider vinegar (ACV)

1 medium onion chopped into chunks

1 whole head of garlic, cloves separated and paper skins peeled off

Optional good choices to use for this preventive elixir, this magic potion: horse radish root, ginger root, cayenne peppers, turmeric root. The more of these you add, the more immune boosting and anti-inflammatory benefits you reap.  Up the ACV to 1 cup and use chunks of the roots that are about a thumb's size and as much or little cayenne as you can tolerate.

How to:

Blend into a liquid.  Pour into a pint size ball canning jar.

Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of raw, local honey (preferably honey with pollen, propolis, and royal jelly still intact for extra immune boosting powers) and stir into the liquid until the honey dissolves.

Immediately take 1-4 tablespoons.

If your tummy will not be happy with the raw garlic and onions, take 1 tablespoon every 15 to 20 minutes until you have 4 into your system.

The first tablespoon I took, I added 1 drop of oregano essential oil.

Take the jar to bed with you, spoon in hand.  After you get ready for bed, take another 1-2 tablespoons.

By the time I turned off the bed side light, I was feeling 50% better.

Every time you wake up in the night, take some more.

In AM, take some more.  Take every 2 hours or so for the next day or two.  Finish the jar of "syrup."


This certainly beats getting the flu, or whatever was after me.  I will admit that getting sick on occasion: having a fiery hot fever, sweating it out, and resting to get better does do good things for the body (but hey, that is another blog post).  I did not have time this week to befriend the flu bug!

Eat garlic, onions, horseradish, ginger, cayenne, & turmeric .  Assist your immune system this winter!

Seductive Sugar....and our calamitous relationship

Sugar... oh so sweet and so seductive


Like heroin, cocaine and caffeine, sugar is an addictive, destructive drug, yet we consume it daily in everything from cigarettes to bread.   -William Dufty, author of Sugar Blues.

We know sugar and refined sweeteners are a leading contributor to many health problems:  diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis to name but a very few.  Yet, as a culture, we continue to consume it in heaping piles on an annual basis.

How did we get here as a culture?  The use of sugar has been on the rise for hundreds of years.

Consumption in the USA:

  • In 1700, the average person consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year.
  • In 1800, the average person consumed about 18 pounds of sugar per year.
  • In 1900, individual consumption had risen to 90 pounds of sugar per year.
  • In 2009, more than 50 percent of Americans consume 1/2 pound of sugar per day, which is 180 pounds of sugar per year! YIKES!

Sugar's history is an amazing tale to be told.

US citizens are the world's largest (no pun intended) consumers of sugar.  The first sugar refinery was built in NYC in 1689, sweet breakfast porridge became popular and consumption soared to 4 pounds per year. We now consume 100 pounds per year on average.  For those of us who consume very little, where does that leave others in this average consumption?

Loving sweet tasting foods is a natural human desire.  Whole foods that are sweet nourish the body cells with complex carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and all sorts of nutrients yet to be "discovered."  Whole sweet foods release a slow and steady level of carbohydrates into our blood streams.  Not so for the refined stuff....

Refined sweeteners have been stripped of most of their nutritional value.  No nourishment to offer to the body cells?  Then the "food" item actually robs nutrition from your body cells.  The body must deplete its own store of nutrients to digest and absorb sucrose properly. This creates nutritional deficiencies. This is an empty calorie syndrome.

Refined sugar enters the blood stream very quickly raising the blood sugar to very high levels and the resultant high levels of insulin crash the blood sugar.  This is how we get swings of hyper excitability followed by lethargy and depression.  We feel good for a microscopic period of time, a sugar high, then we crash and burn turning into moody, frustrated, tired individuals.

Sugar is highly addictive.  A little bit raises and crashes the blood sugar leaving you craving more, more, more! And did I mention more, NOW?  When we go through sugar withdrawal we have mood swings, severe cravings, headaches, fatigue, irritability... symptoms akin to drug and alcohol withdrawal.

Sugar is put into all manufactured foods, those factory made "food products."  The reason is clear, sugar is addictive, add it to food and people will buy and eat more.  What a great sales campaign!

The health consequences of sugar are profound. Excess sugar intake is associated with weight gain and obesity. Being overweight raises your risk for many health conditions: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, gallbladder and liver diseases, osteoarthritis, gynecological problems such as infertility, respiratory problems, sleep apnea, and colon, breast and endometrial cancers, to name but a few.

I find it amazing that rarely does a diabetic (or anyone else with metabolic health issues resulting from refined foods and sugars) get advised to remove all sugar from their diets in order to regulate their blood sugar and insulin levels and heal their bodies.  If a person had liver disease or lung cancer, would we not advise that they remove the offenders: alcohol and tobacco?

If sugar is so bad...why do we crave it?  Sugar in the bloodstream stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain that respond to heroin and cocaine but in a very pronounced way compared to other yummy foods.  Sugar becomes an uncontrollable habit.  One feels great while consuming, bottoms out when it leaves our blood stream, and rush to find more.

Leaving sugar out of the diet for 2 weeks ends this yo-yo affair with the sweet, white stuff.

Interestingly enough, until the middle of the 1800's, refined, "white" sugar was a luxury.  The wealthy could afford refined sugar cane sugar.  Most common people used maple syrup, honey, and crude forms of molasses and the true molasses rich brown sugars (not the modern grocery store variety that is merely white sugar with caramel coloring added).

Take yourself back to the Little House On The Prairie books and recall how they consumed sugar.  Manufactured sugar and sweets were truly a rare treat, only at holidays.  (Keep in mind that the sugar and food indulgent holidays were far fewer in Laura Ingall’s days. Another testimony to where our collective health has gone and why!)

Think how long a hard candy or small piece of chocolate, given as a Christmas gift, would last Laura.  Now think about how we pack away candy and whole, large chocolate bars on a daily basis.  Any wonder why and how  our health suffers the degenerative consequences?  Can you imagine how long an Equal Exchange large chocolate bar would last Laura… weeks upon weeks, turning into months!

Want to return to vibrant health?  Removing sugar from your diet is a huge step in the direction of restoring metabolic health. How to do this sugar detox is a question of your style of functioning.  Are you an all or nothing type that can completely cut sugar now and never look back (trust me, you will feel so good you will not want to look back!) or do you function better weaning yourself slowly?  Knowing what works for you and doing it, surrounding yourself with loving support, and finding ways to  sweeten your life without sugar are key components to kicking the sugar habit.

PS  Stay tuned for my thoughts on kids' parties and sugar!

Fun Food Focus

Satisfy that sweet tooth with 1/2 an apple and a handful of raw walnuts or pecans.  The nuts add fat and protein to balance your blood sugar and insulin reaction.  You won't feel a blood sugar crash 30 minutes or so after eating the apple.  

Fresh fruits are gentler on your blood sugar.  Dried fruits are very concentrated fruit sugars and will elevate and crash your blood sugar, leaving you craving more sweetness to drive your blood sugar back up.  Dried fruits will contribute to the same yo-yo cycle with blood sugar rushes and crashes.  Eat them with divine respect for the concentrated source of fruit sugar that they are;  be mindful of this sugar effect even with natural foods.

Gut Bugs for Lunch


Gut Bugs are Essential for Whole Body Health

We hear it all the time, gut microbes are essential for the health and healing of the whole body, not to mention prevention of everything from colon issues to depression and cancer.  Natural medicine has encouraged fermented foods forever, mainstream medicine is finally catching on!

Although the mainstream medical recommendation is for a fecal transplant?? Are they serious?  Transplanting someone else's poop into my colon.  Sounds like fun...

How about eating 100% whole foods to heal current problems and to prevent further health issues AND try eating raw, fermented foods to replenish the gut bacteria?

Science is "proving" that having healthy microbes in your gut is what keeps the immune, nervous, gastro-intestinal, and skin healthy.  Gut health is an indication of complete body health, right down to each individual body cell. (It is that body cell health thing again.  If you have sat through one of my whole food healing workshops, you hear about healing your body cells!)

Whole foods are full of fiber and nutrients that feed the gut bugs you want to proliferate in your gut.  Feeding the gut bugs healthy, whole foods keeps you healthy.  A fine example of a  mutualistic relationship between humans and bacteria.

Above is a picture of a recent lunch I made for myself:

1.  My beloved beets, grated raw, from the Kent Family Growers,

2.  Topped with Hawthorne Valley Raw Sauerkraut, Nature's Storehouse in Canton carries this,

(Wild Brine Dill and Garlic Sauerkraut Salad from the Potsdam Food Coop is a tasty choice as well!)

3.  I then topped it with raw sunflower seeds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds (yeah, I forgot them in the picture!),

4.  Raw, Fermented, Wild Brine pickles and pickled garlic from the Potsdam Coop,

5.  Local, full fat yogurt from Prosper's Farmstead Creamery, North Lawrence, NY.

End results:

Yummy lunch full of fiber to feed the gut microbes AND the sauerkraut, pickles, and yogurt are loaded with good, gut building bacteria to replenish mine.  (Remember, fermented pickles and sauerkraut must be raw.  If you heat can it after fermenting to store on the shelves, you are killing the gut microbes.)

Do your gut and whole body health (Your body cells; it is the body cell thing again!) a favor:  Eat good gut bugs for lunch!