It All Starts With You!

I am going to begin this post with the same message I begin my workshops with: "Everything I say (write) comes from a space of love... loving support.  No words out of my mouth are critical of anything or anyone.  We all have to start from the space we are in; the current life space we are in and the space we make choices from." Change starts with you and it is all about you making the choices in your life that are good, right, correct for your health and healing.  No one else can make those choices for you.

I was recently peeking at a book on yoga, diet, and change: The Yoga of Eating: Transcending Diets and Dogma to Nourish the Natural Self.  The book introduction read like this: The Yoga of Eating is a practical and inspiring manual that offers original insights on the physical and spiritual functions of sugar, fat, meat, and other foods; fasting, dieting, processing, willpower, and the deeper principles of self-nurture. This book appeals to a higher authority—your own body—and shows how to access and trust the wisdom your body has to offer.  

I remember writing a post about yoga's impact on our food and lifestyle choices...

I always look at the reviews, positive and negative.  I like to get an idea of what people thought about the book.  One of the level 1 reviews made this comment: "I was expecting diet plans, recipes, etc. to plan a yoga diet - nothing here."

As a health coach who wants to instill the philosophy of self-responsibility around their health, I have always suggested that individuals make their own daily menu plans.  Make these plans based upon the principles of whole food eating and tossing in a bit of local and seasonal flair!

As a health coach, I find that to create meal plans for clients is:

  1. Hard to do as it is time consuming task and what I might tell someone to eat may not be anything they ever intend to eat, ever! So time is spent putting together 3 meal a day plans that might get a glance and not be used, ever. This is because the suggested foods do not appeal to the person using it. This is time not well spent for me or my client.

  2. Does not teach self-responsibility, making your change your own. If I create your meal plans, what happens when you are sick of them (assuming you even use them)? When you get sick of them, you go right back to life as it was before we crossed paths AND back to the same meals and eating habits that caused the problem(s) in the first place. When you work to create your own new plan, it is your plan. You can own the changes you created in your life and your new lifestyle choices.

  3. What I might suggest for food is not necessarily things you like, things that are local (growing in your own food shed), or foods that are seasonal for you.

On a global scale, local and seasonal eating helps to create sustainable communities around our food and is much gentler on the earth. (No cross country or cross ocean transportation of food and all that goes along with this... there is so much more on the social, environmental, and political issues around food and the human consumption of that food. This is another blog post OR watch some movies and read some books on the politics of food!)

Instead of meal plans that sound good to me and my eating habits,  take the principals of whole food eating and make your own plans based around local, seasonal, and whole foods.  You will then be making lifestyle changes that will stay with you for life!

These meal plans will nourish your body cells, heal disease, balance body weight, and help you to feel fantastic!

Does life get better than this?

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Everything In Life Is A Choice


In supporting people through the lifestyle changes necessary to:

  • re-balance body weight
  • heal symptoms of ill health and disease
  • prevent further symptoms of degenerative disease
  • create juicy, vibrant health...

I always tell them that everything in life is a choice.

We all struggle with stuff we would rather say goodbye to:

It is all just a choice.  We can make up our minds to either continue the choice that is not serving our vibrant, juicy health OR we can chose differently.  We can chose to create wellness in our every action, thought, and deed.


The first step, towards overcoming any challenge is to acknowledge that we have a challenge.   

Not every challenge can be handled by a "professional", an expert in the field of our particular problem. When we are talking about the challenges of our own mind - body - soul, we need to grab hold of our life - our own problems, and take charge for our self and of our self.  We are our own best expert!

Seriously, who knows you better than you?  Be the YOU expert.  Step up to the plate and make the choice to make YOU happy and well.


breast Ca whole foods

About a year ago, I found this book:

I grabbed it up for a couple of reasons. One, I like to read and learn from others and their whole food perspective. Two, I knew it would come in handy with clients.

I have recommended it several times over the past year.  Recently, I was again recommending it and I decided to check out the authors. Who are these people that wrote this book?  I can't believe it took me this long to be curious!

So I find that Edward Bauman is the founder and director of a holistic nutrition college, a whole food oasis, in California!

I love his acronym for remembering healthy eating habits that balance human health: SOUL.  What a perfect way to remember how to feed and heal mind, body, and soul.  I have been teaching this same concept for 20+ years, without using the SOUL acronym, and am glad to now have this fun way to remind people.

  • S:  Seasonal
  • O:  Organic
  • U:  Un-processed (Un-refined, Un-packaged... my words!)
  • L:  Local

By Dr. Ed Bauman

eat for health

The Eating for Health model (Double click on above picture to enlarge image) provides a palette from which we can select the most health supportive foods. Eating from the inside out will provide a building diet for times when we need to build up our nutrient reserves. Eating from the outside in will set the scene for cleansing the body of impurities and toxins. The goal of the Eating for Health model is to provide a diverse selection of whole foods to sustain health and promote recovery from illness and injury.

Tell me your story in the comments:  

What are your favorite foods to heal your mind, body, and S.O.U.L?

13 Health Foods That Are NOT So Healthy

13 Health Foods

That Are NOT So Healthy...

Proceed with


1. Brown Sugar:  Brown sugar used to be sugar that did have the molasses intact.  Modern brown sugar is merely refined "white" sugar that has added caramel coloring to make you THINK it is real brown sugar.  Action to take: Use sucanat, read the label and look for sugar that is simply dehydrated, sugar cane juice... nothing added, nothing removed. Another good brand is Rapunzel Rapadura Sugar.


2.  Greek Yogurt: Real Greek yogurt is truly just cultured milk that has been strained to make it thicker, creamier, and higher in protein.  If refined ingredients have been added to thicken the yogurt, it is not real Greek yogurt.  Most Greek yogurts, on the market, are not real.  Action to take:  Read labels on everything that a food manufacturing facility makes for you.  Read those labels for 100% whole food ingredients.  Do not settle for less; your cellular health depends on this.

While I am on the subject, eat plain yogurt*, not the flavored varieties.  Again, read labels, flavored yogurts are loaded with crap ingredients and sugar.  These crap ingredients and sugar do not create vibrant, healthy body cells.

Real yogurt should be milk and active cultures, period.  No thickeners, no flavorings, no sugars, etc!  Want a recipe for making a yummy snack with yogurt, fruit, and nuts... email me!

3.  Frozen Yogurt:  OK, so this is a fun one.  People order frozen yogurt instead of ice cream... well, because "it is yogurt. Yogurt is good for me,  so frozen yogurt is a healthy treat, right?"  No, it is not.  See above info on plain yogurt.  No good gut microbes survive freezing, so thinking frozen yogurt is good for gut health is a flawed thought (yes, perpetuated by marketing, but flawed none the less).  Action to take:  *Eat plain yogurt you have made yummy and fun with fruit, berries, cinnamon, vanilla.  Want a recipe? Email me,


4. Ginger Ale: "Ginger ale is good for me when I am sick, have a fever, correct?" "It settles my stomach if I have a nasty, gut bug sickness, correct?"  No, sorry. Modern sodas are just a source of liquid corn syrup, artificial flavors, and other artificial ingredients.  Action to take: Make ginger tea, use the ginger tea with seltzer water to make your own ginger soda; buy a natural brand of ginger soda that has real ginger in it!

ginger beer

5.  Bran Muffins: Running late for work or an appointment, no time for breakfast, so one stops at the mini-mart and grabs a bran muffin.  It is the health option in the mini-mart, correct?  NO, it is loaded with refined and toxic ingredients: white sugar, corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, white flour, artificial flavors, fillers, dough conditioners, etc., and a small amount of bran.  Action to take:  Make your own and have them handy.  Want a recipe, email me.  Take the time for a real breakfast.

6.  Wheat Bread:  Lots of issues here:  modern wheat is not all it is cracked up to be, most wheat breads have minimal whole grains in them, and most manufactured wheat bread is loaded with refined and crap ingredients.  Again, read labels.Action to take: Read labels and make certain breads are 100% whole grains for 100% whole cellular health.  Sprouted whole grain breads are another nourishing option.


7.  Commercial Fruit Smoothies: Ok, so the fruit does not exist in powdered smoothie mixes.  Many are artificially fruit flavored or have dried fruit powders in them.  Action to take: Make at home with 100% whole food ingredients, whole fruit, and only buy fruit smoothies in shops that make them the same way.  If the fruit smoothie is a powdered mix, RUN, fast, get away from the powdered world crap.  I don't care how healthy they say their protein powder fruit smoothies are for you.  They are not real food!

8.  Vitamin Water: One word: crap.  Ok, so vitamin water has a marvelous marketing campaign. This is a big clue here, any product with a marketing campaign most likely is worthless and not nourishing to your body cells.  Fresh produce does not need to be marketed as healthy.  We all innately know it is! Action to take: Drink water from your tap, if it has not been poisoned with chlorine and fluoride.  If it has, filter it.  If you think you need to have added vitamins in your water, go to Nature's Storehouse and find a 100% whole food liquid vitamin supplement and add it to your water.  Your health and cells will be grateful.

9.  Non-Calorie Sweeteners:  Nature did not make many non-calorie sweeteners. Food laboratories do; that is your clue to avoid them.  Nature makes real food, "food" labs do not.  These sweeteners are toxic to your liver and toxic to all of your body cells.  Now stevia... yes, if you are using real, green stevia.  The powdered green herb form of stevia is a real non-calorie sweetener.  Stevia that is the white powder or clear liquids, refined in food labs, in not healthy cell food.  Action to take:  Get a hold on your sugar usage.  Is it really something we were meant to eat every day?  Nah... it's not!


10.  Diet Soda and Diet Drinks:  Toxic to liver and body cells. See Non calorie sweetener above.  Action to take: Always put your body cells first and foremost in your mind when choosing foods and food products.  Make herb teas and enjoy them sweet free or use a tiny bit of raw, local honey.  Make "soda" with seltzer water and a wee bit of organic fruit juice concentrate.

11.  Gluten Free Food Products:  A word of caution:  when a health problem arises, manufacturers are quick to respond with ' "food products" to help solve your problem.  Many gluten free products are HIGHLY processed and full of junk ingredients.

Gluten free does not mean it is healthy.  There are thousands of gluten free products on the market:  cakes, cookies, breads, pizza crusts, boxed mixes; processed food heaven!  Learn to read labels.  Many of these products are full of fillers.  Yes the “fillers” in question are gluten free, but they are also refined, nutritionally devoid foods.  If the natural, whole food nutrition is not in the food, the refined food product will rob your body cells of nutrients and contribute to degenerative diseases. You are trading off one huge health problem for another of equal degenerative quality.

Things to look for are:  white rice flour, corn starch, potato starch*, tapioca starch*, tapioca flour*, potato flour*.  Basically these are cheap, filler ingredients not real food, not food that nourishes your beautiful body cells. These fillers create a host of health problems in your body including blood sugar and insulin issues that contribute to inflammation and exacerbate health issues.  

Action to take:  

Keep refined ingredients out of your diet for vibrant health. Read labels, buy food products that are 100% whole food ingredients only, including gluten free products.

Want to learn more?  I do gluten free workshops, contact me: 

Want gluten free bread & pizza dough recipes?  See my recipes under FREE STUFF link at the top of my web page. Or contact me for more suggestions.

*Note: Some brands of tapioca flour and potato flour are the whole roots ground into flour.  Check with the individual companies to know that what you are buying is a whole food flour, not a refined food flour.

12.  Fat Free Dairy: There are many reasons to avoid animal fat.  My big issue is that they are contaminated with all the toxins that have been created on this divine planet.  So, I advise buying organic and naturally raised animal products.  I even try to avoid animals products from animals that are fed GMO foods: corn and soybeans.  These are no easy tasks, I admit, and can leave one throwing up their arms in despair.  With this said, fat is needed in your body!   The manufacture of your bodily hormones depends on ingested fat.  Action to take:  Get to know your farmers, ask them how they raise their animals, what they feed them, if the corn /soy is GMO free, if they get fed very little corn and soy and mostly have access to pasture.  (Yes, winter in the north country complicates the pasture grazing issue!)  Go ahead, click the link, and start finding local farmers to grow your food!

13.  Chocolate: Ok, I know there are people who will want to strangle me for adding this one to the list.  Let's get serious, anti-oxidants aside, we all intuitively know that eating processed chocolate, every day, is not what nature intended.  It has been well marketed to us as a healthy superfood.  (Please see the above comments about marketing campaigns and food.)  Yes, I am certain chocolate, cocoa beans, have antioxidants, why wouldn't they?  Nature did make them.  But humans take those beans and process them into 554 million different chocolateproductsand then market them as a necessary daily food.  Our culture has certainly bought into this food campaign: hook,  line, and sinker.  Perhaps we could all thrive ingesting just chocolate, red wine, and coffee... all are loaded with antioxidants, right?!  Ok, ok, I know I am being a smart ass.  Action to take:  See it for what it is;  a tasty, fun, occasional treat.  Buy organic and fair trade to support the farmers that grow these amazing beans and enjoy it, with a smile, on occasion.


Questions to ask yourself about a food product: 

Was this nature made or man-made?

Were the ingredients nature made or man-made?

Was this made in a food factory?

Does this product have a huge marketing campaign?

If you would like to know more about how to heal your body with real food, how to incorporate healing-whole health strategies into your life, enter your name (above and on the right side of the page) to subscribe to my blog newsletter.  Come to a class I teach or give me a shout and we can work one on one.  Your health will soar, you will feel great, your cells will bounce with amazing energy!   Blessings, Paula

Why I Love Yoga and Other Thoughts on Whole Food, Whole Health Healing

Why I Love Yoga…and other thoughts on local, whole foods!

And you are now thinking, what does yoga have to do with the food? My answer is quite simple. When we create mindfulness through a regular yoga practice (or any other form of body awareness exercises: Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Tae Kwon Do), we consciously make healthier choices in all areas of our lives. This means healthier food choices.

Back to yoga. Why I love yoga… because it works! It works on many levels, see my above comment around food choices. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj and means to yoke or bind. Yoga is often interpreted as a method of discipline that brings union (yoking or binding) to body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is the study of the Self. Yoga gives us tools to improve our lives by stripping away the illusions that block us from connecting with our true self, with others, and with life itself.

Yoga is a whole food that nourishes body, mind, and soul. Food is sacred to the body; it nourishes and sustains us. Love is sacred to the mind and heart; nourishing the very part of us, our spirits, that gives to others and back to ourselves. Yoga is the breath of the soul; keeping our life force strong and our 3 parts (body, mind, soul) in harmony and union.

Getting down to the brass tack: I am an exercise enthusiast. Those who know me, know this well. As long as I am not sitting still, I am happy. The list of activities I have engaged in goes on and on and blurs together over the years and decades of my life. I love and have loved them all.

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