Everyone & everything has a back story. That IS what makes life juicy, fun, and creates her-story.
I began making my own face cream (heavier for winter use) and lotion (lighter for summer use) when I was in my late 30s. I had been studying plant medicine (herbs and eventually essential oils) for 20+ years. I was learning about herbs and essential oils that were skin repairing, skin rejuvenating, for people with maturing as well as sun damaged skin.
I confess, for 10 people who avoided the sun to keep their skin undamaged... I ran headlong into the sun with gratitude and sponge like abilities to soak up every ray they winced away from. Bring it on Mother Nature. I can & will take all of the sun.
When I hit my mid to late 30's, no I did not have sun worshipper's guilt or regret, but I did know I should do something to prevent my facial skin from falling onto my chest before I was 50.
I confess, once again, lifestyle factors have a lot to do with this. If you don't take care of your body with the way you live, the food you eat, what you drink, how you think, the playfulness of your body - mind - spirit... slathering on the very best face creams will do diddly shit for you. Lifestyle IS a package deal.
After making and using for a few years, I gave some to my sister. She has been harassing me now for a decade or more to "sell this shit." Her words, not mine. My mother brought me up better than that.
Over the last couple of years, I have made it and passed it around to friends and family as gifts. I guess it was the work up to the big "Ok, I am ready to sell this shit." Again, her words, not mine. ; )
40+ Face Fix™
Anti-Aging*, Skin Rejuvenating,* for the Mature & Sun Kissed Face™
Was Born
Once I committed to myself that I was making 40+ to sell, I wrangled Eli's girlfriend into drawing a logo for it. Jake turned the artwork into digital art. Mary Strong, of ekahidesign.com, turned it into labels. Sandy Maine of ADK Fragrance Farm assisted with the creation of a market ready lotion base. Seems my Kitchen Witch ways of a pinch of this and a splash of that do not work well, even in small batch making, for a market product. The art & science of oil blending perfection is part of Sandy's wisdom. I am grateful for all of this fine support. It takes a community to raise an idea!
The rest, my friends, is making her-story, will be history, and is the rest of the story.
The 8 oz. lotion, $40, is an introductory item. When the first batch is sold, both the cream and the lotion will be 4 oz. for $35.
Read about the ingredients in 40+ FaceFix™ to see for yourself how 40+ FaceFix™ works to support skin health repair and renewal. Finer ingredients, for your face rejuvenating needs, cannot be found.
Day Face Lotion Logo Image
Night Face Cream Logo Image