My youngest buddy, eating his morning, local eggs with wild leeks! His body is being infused with the nourishing goodness of wild foods.
- Wild foods have their genetics intact, non- GMO! This is a huge boost in your personal cell nourishment arena.
- Wild foods are grown in soil that generally has not been disturbed by agricultural chemicals: pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, on & on & on... if chemicals are in the soil, they are in every cell of your food (despite the "just wash it off" campaign of Big Ag.) Support local farmers who opt to not use chemicals.
- The soil, in the wild, is naturally composting, year after year. This continual composting cycle keeps the soil's nutrients high. Foods grown in this soil, well, are naturally high in minerals.
There is so much more to be said for food being grown in its natural environment, living and growing the way it would without human intervention. Growing food naturally, even when we cultivate it, raises the nourishment level by leaps and bounds.
Looking for local food, raised naturally? Don't want to grow it yourself OR forage in the woods? Get on this website and find a local farmer. who will love you up with good food and you can support their desire to produce good food. It's a win-win relationship!
Want to help others enjoy well raised, local food? The healthier people we have in our communities, the healthier our communities will be. It takes a community to raise a community!
The gift of good food is the best gift you can give. (in my opinion!)
I have pasted GardenShare's request for CSA Bonus Bucks support below.
Eat well, share good food, love people. Paula
CSA Bonus Bucks Needs Your Help!

Hello Friends,
GardenShare's CSA Bonus Bucks offers low-income families an opportunity to join the CSA of their choice with a $100 discount.
This year we've been overwhelmed with requests, and do not have the funding to cover five families who came in just as we had spent the final funds for the year. Some of these families have enjoyed this program for several years.
CSA Bonus Bucks works double duty by helping low income families enjoy great, healthy, local food, while at the same time, supporting our local farmers with additional business.
Any donation will help. Simply follow this link.
If you prefer, you can still send a check to
GardenShare, PO Box 516, Canton, NY 13617